
Reset Canon IR Admin password

Posted in Printers

A Client recently required me to remove the job accounting function from their Canon IR-5055 Copier. Somewhere down the track someone had changed the default username and password of Username: 5000 & Password: 6000 to something that no one onsite could remember.


To fix this I had to reset the copier admin password by doing the following, please be warned that by changing other settings you can cause all sorts of problems and possibly require a technician to repair the copier.


To enter service mode:


  1. Press Additional functions and the * keys simultaneously
  2. Then press 2 and 8 keys simultaneously
  3. Then press again Additional functions and the * keys.


Reset the Password:

  1. Browse to the following path Copier
  2. Then click Function
  3. Then Clear
  4. Click PWD-CLR
  5. Then click OK
  6. Once you have done this, you will not get any prompt telling you that your password has been set. Click the Reset button to get you back to the first screen, then press Reset again to exit.
  7. Once you are back at the ID prompt press and hold the Power button for 5 seconds until the shutdown screen appears.
  8. Click Start then click the Restart button then click Yes to restart the copier.
  9. Once the copier restarts, job accounting should be disabled and you should have direct access to all the settings menus.


Hope this helps!